Eleanor Coleman

Eleanor is continually inspired by the positive differences Pilates can make to the way we feel in, and use, our bodies regardless of age, fitness level and physical condition. Her aim is to encourage a naturally balanced body that moves with greater ease and her starting point is to harmonise the breath with movement; helping to relieve tension and encouraging focus on individual muscles,as well as the whole body.

Comprehensively trained by the Pilates Foundation, she initially qualified as a Matwork teacher at The Place, under Susanne Lahusen, Hana Jones and Sonia Noonan. She was then fortunate enough to continue and complete her Equipment training with master teacher trainers Hana Jones and Anne-Marie Zulkahari, both founder members of the Pilates Foundation.

From an early age Eleanor’s focus was on dance and the visual arts. After performing at both Sadlers Wells and The Royal Festival Hall as a child, she went on to study three dimensional design and worked in set and costume design in theatre and television. Returning to dance and exercise after the birth of her first child she discovered Pilates, which felt like the perfect marriage of her core interests in three-dimensional structures, this time the body, and movement.

Having returned to teaching Pilates full-time after a period of office work, she’s personally experienced the challenges our bodies can face as a result of a more sedentary lifestyle, and just how supportive Pilates can be to counteract this.

Eleanor enjoys and has experience teaching all ages, from secondary school children through to elders, as well as those with injuries, conditions and diseases. She’s also taught in a variety of settings, including a school, offices, such as The Electoral Commission, and organisations, such as the North London Buddhist Centre; as well as at health clubs, client’s homes and in Pilates studios across London.

Complimenting and enhancing the mind body connection found in Pilates, Eleanor also practices yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
